Heyy you ^^ im SI KETUUD SCHA also as known as acha and acha schaffawaty :) im originally malayy . nothing speciall , juz a good DANCER ^^ dancingg for lifee :) taken by MR BRUNOOOMARS <3 thankyou iloveyousomuchh 1432455

why did i miss you like a hell ? :'(

 i taa tipu
 i miss you aziz :'(
 i taa tahu kenapa i rasa yangg i ter-gilagila ken you sangad nehh
 i taa tahu apa ygg you nampak
 you said that i dah berubahh
 tapy you taa cakap apa yg berubahh
  you kecewa i berubahh sejak i pindah
 tapy kenapa you taa tego i ?
 senang senang you naa selesai ken masalah nehh you nak breakk
 then after break you text i you said that you miss me soo much
 then what should i do ?
 i miss you moree !
 you also said that you still in love with me
 dah 3 times you mintaa break
 but you yangg remove relation too ken
 you yangg mintakk break sampai taa sempat hari nak siang ken

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